Categories: Business

CDB showcases excellence with win at ACCA Sustainability Reporting Awards.

Judges’ Report: CDB demonstrates integrated thinking anchored in tech disruption and sustainability Wins ‘Other Financial Services’ category.

Underscoring continued commitment to accountability, transparency and responsibility to people, planet and profit, CDB was adjudged the winner in the Other Financial Category at the 20th edition of the ACCA Sri Lanka Sustainability Reporting Awards held last week. Organised by ACCA Sri Lanka in an award scheme that spans across the world, the award rewards and recognizes organisations that report and disclose sustainability information in full including environmental and social impacts, raising awareness in corporate transparency issues and increasing accountability of responsiveness to stakeholders.

The panel of judges chaired by Adjunct Professor of Practice at Amrita School of Sustainable Futures Santhosh Jayaram, stated in the Judges’ Report that the CDB report stood out in its articulation of strategy, anchored in tech disruption and sustainability for a ten-year time frame.  “It (the CDB Report) demonstrates integrated thinking in a fairly-traditional industry and evidences its claims.  Its long-term commitment to Child Health and Wellbeing and Autism are commendable.”

The judging criteria evaluated on strategy, governance, risk management and metrics and targets, also marked fair presentation, materiality, reporting entity and connection information in the overall presentation of the report.

Stating that when companies embrace the People, Planet, Profit approach, it moves beyond short-term gains to long-term resilience, Deputy CEO of CDB Damith Tennakoon said, “This award reiterates our commitment to raising the bar when it comes to sustainability reporting.  We believe that by continually improving on our benchmarks, CDB is future-focused, engaging with our stakeholders and exampling that we are committed to going beyond the bottom line.” He added that CDB is committed to shaping a better tomorrow because by choosing to report openly, the Company also demonstrate that it is acting responsibly to create a future that is sustainable, inclusive and just.

The winning CDB Team at the ACCA Sri Lanka Sustainability Reporting Awards
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