Categories: Business

Prima KottuMee and Prima Treats Spice Up School Big Matches

Prima KottuMee and Prima Treats infused their vibrant and youthful energy into the country’s school big matches, taking centre stage as the Speciality Food Partner for the Battle of the Maroons, the Battle of the Blues, the Battle of the North, and the Battle of the Golds.

Big-match enthusiasts are in for a treat as Prima brings its unique flair to these thrilling cricket encounters. Fans can enjoy an array of delicious food, including Prima KottuMee noodles and Prima Treats hotdogs and sausages. Adding to the vibrant atmosphere will be the energetic beats of papare bands, creating a setting as dynamic as the branding of Prima KottuMee and Prima Treats.

Known for their bold flavours, Prima KottuMee and Prima Treats perfectly capture the spirited vibe of school big matches. By blending entertainment, mouthwatering food, and a lively ambiance, Prima is elevating the excitement surrounding these sporting spectacles, promising an experience that is truly “fun thamai.”

7 News Pulse

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